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Sept. 19, 2023

Reed Logan Westgate: A Finance Professional's Extraordinary Journey

Reed Logan Westgate: A Finance Professional's Extraordinary Journey

Join us in this gripping episode as we delve deep into the world of Reed Logan Westgate, a finance professional with a heart of gold. Born in Sanford, Maine, and raised in Dover, New Hampshire, Reed's life may seem ordinary, but his journey is anything but. Discover how Reed's love story with his dream girl, whom he met in grade school, led to a loving family with two beautiful daughters. We explore his passion for tabletop gaming, roleplaying games, and fishing, providing a glimpse into the fascinating life of an everyday hero. He is the author of the Soulstealer Trilogy and the Baku Trilogy.

Reed Logan WestgateProfile Photo

Reed Logan Westgate


Reed Logan Westgate was born in Sanford, Maine and attended college in Dover, New Hampshire where he studied Accounting and Finance. He currently works for a non-profit social service agency in the finance department. He married his dream girl whom he met in grade school. They have a loving family with two beautiful daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys tabletop gaming, roleplaying games, and fishing.