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Jan. 9, 2023

Is Twitch in our Future?

Is Twitch in our Future?

Hey Friends,

Happy New Year! 2023 is here and we are hoping for a productive year. Once Mr. Mike is recovered from his concussion, he is aiming for a return to normal life and Twitch! What is Twitch? Twitch is where millions of people come together live every day to chat, interact, and make their own entertainment together.

Twitch streaming has become a huge phenomenon in the gaming community. Streamers can participate in broadcasted gameplay and commentary, and gain financial support from viewers in the form of "bits," donations, and subscription fees. Streamers on Twitch can monetize their content in a number of ways, including ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate programs. Viewers enjoy the interactive experience of watching streamers react to challenges and chat with them in real-time.

Twitch has become an important part of the gaming community, and many streamers have become successful entertainers thanks to its platform. Twitch has revolutionized the way people interact with gaming content, with streamers developing a monetization model that brings in revenue based on the quality of their stream.

Mr. Mike stopped streaming over 2 years ago due to the complexities of life interfering with scheduling. We will announce his return to twitch on social media when the time comes. If you are not familiar with how to watch, you can simply sign up for a free account via twitch.com or download the app on mobile. It is free to watch! Donations and subscriptions are appreciated but not necessary. If you would like to get ahead of the game, feel free to follow Mr. Mike at www.twitch.tv/mrmikemtl.


The Team