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Oct. 1, 2023

Author Keith Anthony Baird: Master of Horror and Dystopia - A Journey into His Dark Worlds

Author Keith Anthony Baird: Master of Horror and Dystopia - A Journey into His Dark Worlds

Join us in this episode as we delve into the captivating and chilling worlds crafted by author Keith Anthony Baird. Known for his mastery of horror, dystopia, and post-apocalyptic fiction, Baird's works take readers on thrilling journeys through the darkest corners of the human psyche. We discuss his novels, including "The Jesus Man: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of Horror" and "Nexilexicon," which showcase his ability to create harrowing and thought-provoking narratives. Baird's talent isn't limited to long-form fiction; we also explore his collection of short stories in "And a Dark Horse Dreamt of Nightmares," where he demonstrates his ability to craft unsettling and memorable tales in a shorter format. Beyond his literary works, we talk to Baird about his journey into becoming a writer, as well as his experiences at book and comic events. We gain insights into what drives his creative process and what's on the horizon, including his upcoming projects. Discover the mind behind the stories that send shivers down our spines and learn about the adventures that inspire Keith Anthony Baird when he's not at his writing desk. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to his work, this episode promises to be a captivating exploration of horror and dystopia.

Keith Anthony BairdProfile Photo

Keith Anthony Baird


Keith Anthony Baird is the author of The Jesus Man: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of Horror (Novel), Nexilexicon (Novel), And a Dark Horse Dreamt of Nightmares (Book of Shorts), This Will Break Every Bone In Your Heart (Novelette) and Snake Charmer Blues (Short), and a psychological/horror novella titled A Seed in a Soil of Sorrow. His works can be found on Amazon and Audible.

The Diabolica Britannica horror anthology was his brainchild, in which you will find his own contribution Walked a Pale Horse on Celtic Frost. 2021 saw the release of the Diabolica Americana and
HEX-PERIMENTS anthologies, the latter in partnership with author Ross Jeffery.

His dark fantasy novella In the Grimdark Strands of the Spinneret is coming from Brigid’s Gate Press in November 2022.

He is currently querying a dystopian/cyberpunk novella titled SIN:THETICA and writing a vampire-
themed novella called A Light of Little Radiance in collaboration with fellow British author Beverley Lee.

He lives in Cumbria, in the United Kingdom, on the edge of the Lake District National Park.