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Laurie Nave

Laurie NaveProfile Photo


Laurie is a writer, musician, and instructional designer. After teaching general music and choir for 16 years, Laurie was ready for a change. She worked various jobs while becoming more serious about writing. She freelanced her way into a new career as an instructional designer, working the last decade at nonprofit organizations, NASA, and now The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Laurie enjoys writing suspense, historical romance, and inspirational books, but she’s also dipped her toe into horror and speculative fiction. She has published two suspense novels - Chosen By a Killer and Revenge al Dente - featuring Celia Brockwell as a “do anything for the story” journalist. The Bone Farm, Laurie’s third installment, will be published in early 2023. She has also published a historical romance, Where Magnolias Lie, set in her hometown and New Orleans. She released (in August 2022) an inspirational devotional entitled Run to the City: Abundant Living After the Well. In 2022, she also published two children’s picture books based on rhyming stories she created as a music teacher.

Laurie is currently working on a suspense novel set in Huntsville, which she hopes to begin querying in the fall. In addition, she is working on her first speculative dystopian-style novel - think a reverse version of A Handmaid’s Tale with a bit of apocalypse.

When not writing, Laurie enjoys spending time with her husband, Larry, her two adult children, and her teenage stepson. She loves the water, baking, and spoiling her dachshund.

Sept. 28, 2022

Interview with Laurie Nave

Our special guest for this episode is Laurie Nave. She is a writer, musician, and instructional designer. She spent 16 years teaching general music and choir. She freelanced her way into a new career as an instructional designer, working the last decade at nonprofit organizations, NASA, and now The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

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