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Julie Gianelloni Connor

Julie Gianelloni ConnorProfile Photo


Author, publisher, world traveler, retired senior U.S. Foreign Service Officer--Julie started out as a writer, became a diplomat, and is now back to writing. She founded a micro-press, Bayou City Press, in Houston in 2019. As an independent publisher, Julie has had to learn all the latest trends in publishing, from self-publishing to hybrid publishing to small, traditional publishing, She has also had to learn the myriad ways to utilize the new gig market, contracting with proofreaders, IT specialists, publicists, and other professionals rather than hiring full-time employees.

Nov. 23, 2022

Interview with Julie Gianlonni Connor

Author, publisher, world traveler, retired senior U.S. Foreign Service Officer--Julie started out as a writer, became a diplomat, and founder of a Bayou City Press.

Listen to the episode